Deploying Your Site to Neocities

May 15, 2024

Two main ways to upload your site to Neocities without relying on the native GUI.


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Making a Webring: The Creation of JournalRing

Jan 13, 2024

I made a webring and so can you! Tips, tricks, and mistakes.


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Mega Site Update

Dec 10, 2023

Brand new fonts, search finally works, new blog tag filter, site got SASS’ed, microblog bug is squashed, and more!

site updates

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Firefox Tree Tabs Tu(tour)ial

Jul 02, 2023

Welcome to my crib, Mozilla Firefox edition. With instructions on how to recreate it!


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Yard Sale

Jun 17, 2023

A diary entry. Featuring Hot Topic fashion and a sandwich.


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Bye-bye Bootstrap

May 28, 2023

Bootstrap gets the boot, my hair gets a trim, and the site gets a map.

site updates

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2 months later: A Neocities Reflection

May 21, 2023

Some observations about the community aspect of Neocities and online communities in general.


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Site Updates

Apr 18, 2023

new library with 61 current entries! (and a shrines page!)

site updates

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Making a Preloader

Apr 05, 2023

How to make a simple full-page loading screen for your site.


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Site Updates ...Continued!

Apr 04, 2023

is the site running any faster? it should be running faster.

site updates

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Site Overhaul

Apr 04, 2023

lots and lots and lots of new things.

site updates

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Reusable HTML Snippets: Web Components

Mar 28, 2023

A small tutorial on using Javascript to reuse HTML snippets.


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